
Anyone can simply look up dad jokes online and read them off, but to actually learn and engrain the jokes into our psyche, we need to go one step further; we need to create visuals of the jokes to truly understand.
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To avoid hearing the familiar whine, “I’m BORED!” pick one, some, or all of these activities to make sure they (you) get the most out of their (your) Summer!
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Aside from turning boring stairs into a nifty slide, the Stairslide can be used in many ways. Asking the parents in the Stairslide office, we found some fun real-life Stairslide uses.
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(Thumbnail: I’m the redhead who seems a little too excited to play the violin) I’m the head writer and a fan of Stairslide. Yes, I'm aware Stairslide is a child’s toy. Do I have any children? No. Do I often slide down the Stairslide set up in the office? Most definitely, yes.
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Did you slide down in a laundry basket to receive a first-hand lesson on why helmets were invented? Or did you slide down on a pillow, bumping your tailbone on each and every step?
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