Our 8 Favorite Outdoor Family Influencers

As a company based in Denver, Colorado, we are a team packed full of outdoor enthusiasts, adventurers, thrill seekers and sports fanatics. We thrive off of these things as individuals, and even more so as a team in pursuit of bringing families all over together in the great outdoors!
We are constantly on the hunt for new and exciting ways to bring the adventure of an active lifestyle right to your homes, but where do we find the inspiration? Aside from the mountains and trees and superhero ninjas themselves, we look to YOU! What better way to keep up with the latest outdoor trends than following along with some of our favorite families that share the same love for all things adventure with us?!
We want to share this inspiration with you as well, so follow along with us! In no specific order (we can’t stress that enough!!), here are 8 of our favorite influencers that are currently sharing the inside scoop on their everyday family adventures – big and small!
We promise we aren’t being bias with this one. Okay, maybe a little, but Tammi and her family’s adventures stretch way beyond the Colorado Rockies and we are here for it! Her Instagram feed consists of all things outdoors, animals and family. Her blog is jam packed full of everything you need to keep your family having fun together in the most adventurous ways! What’s even better is she has continued to find ways to enjoy the adventure life even amidst the global pandemic. You will find everything from travel tips, tricks, how to’s and how not to do’s.
Within Tammi’s website, you will find great ideas about camping with kids, seasonal gear, museums, restaurant reviews, wellness, natural remedies, travel destinations and even an entire page dedicated to Disney! Our personal favorite was a recent blog post dedicated to backyard micro-adventures –uh, yes please! We may have a thing or two to help with that – just sayin’..
Tales of a Mountain Mama is exactly what is sounds like: A collection of stories, ideas, inspirations, articles and more about a mama in the outdoors! This blog is actually run by not one, but a team of mom’s that collectively know just about everything there is to know about raising kids on the path less traveled.
Amelia, the original Mountain Mama that started it all, and her team have even written a family adventure guide book with activities and journaling ideas for families on the move! Their mission is built around the motto “Building stronger families one adventure at a time” - we LOVE this! Their blog and Instagram account features outdoor product and gear reviews, camping recipes, adventure ideas, tips on seasonal adventures, and an educational section.
Basically, if you have a crew of kiddos in tow with an itch for adventure, head to Tale’s of a Mountain Mama and thank us later!
Howdy neighbor’s! Just a few hours west of us, this Utah family is killing the adventure life! While they seem to always be on the move, they rarely stray too far from their hometown and they keep it S -I -M -P -L -E. They have the inside scoop on all of the FREE activities for you to do as a family, and most of them are educational!
The part of their blog that we found to be the coolest and most unique amongst other family lifestyle blogs is the constellation information! Broken down by seasons (yes, some constellations are only visible seasonally!) you can choose a constellation by name and learn everything there is to know. This is a great way to spice up your outdoor adventure time with family by adding a night time activity or adding it to your plans for your next camping trip!
Aside from the local adventures, they give the lowdown on their experience at tons of National Parks too! This crew are experts at spending quality time as a family and making sure everyone knows that adventure can be simple and accessible for just about anyone! See all of their adventures in action on Instagram!
This mama of 2 up in the Canadian Rockies wants you to know that contrary to popular belief, the adventure has just begun when you have kids! With a degree in Physical Education, she stresses the importance of just how healthy it is to spend time outdoors, with loved ones, staying active! This is right on par with our mission to keep kids and families active and we love to see her take as she is truly living out the life we dream of for so many of you!
Her blog has loads of information, stories and ideas about family adventures. She has created activity calendars by SEASON – love this. There is never a bad time to play and find adventure - even in the midst of a snowy Canadian winter!
One unique characteristic of her blog is that she has created a platform that welcomes moms from all over to share in the reality of being a super mom. It is a wonderful way to create a community of like-minded people invested in the same mission.
Her BTBA Mama’s page is filled with blog posts that keep it REAL. While the adventure life is surely fun and exciting, it is not always glamorous, especially with children. She has no fear in opening up about the reality of things like post-partum, adventuring with toddlers, and just flat out making it through the day – especially in uncertain times like these. She makes sure to encourage mom’s to practice self-care. This is something we can get behind, and we encourage you to check it out so you can continue on with your epic family adventures while feeling your best!
You can follow along with her on Instagram here!
The name speaks for itself. Anyone who not only enjoys playing outside but wants to encourage others to do the same has our attention. As Karen put’s it, she was “born in the mountains (where the wild things are)”. She grew up in Canada and is now raising her family there amongst mountains, trees, rivers, lakes, hot springs - you name it.
Her background makes it clear that she was brought up learning to love and care for nature, and she is now passing that on to her kids and anyone that is lucky enough to stumble across her page.
Her Instagram pictures are a sight for sore eyes! She has a knack for capturing the beauty of nature in those simple and quiet moments. While reading about and seeing photos of all of her adventures might make us a LITTLE jealous, we can’t wait to see where the rest of her adventures take her and her family. If you live in or are traveling to Canada anytime soon, or maybe looking for inspo for your next trip abroad, we highly recommend taking a peek at her blog. Make sure you have nothing planned for the day, because you are sure to get lost in the heaps of adventure stories she has written!
Calling all adventurers new to parenting – you heard them. BRING THE KIDS! Jessica, momma to 5 energetic kiddos, and her husband, are living proof that you can continue to travel and adventure with kids in tow. They have traveled to over 40 countries together and have epically explored their own backyards. They have experience in just about all adventure activities for any time of the year like rafting, skiing, camping and snorkeling. They share photos, travel tips and tour ideas for countries all over the world spread out amongst the continents. With such a large family, there are activity ideas to suit children of all ages so the whole crew can get in on the adventure!
Their Instagram page is filled with adventures galore, the most adorable kiddos having the time of their life, and a sneak peek at the everyday life of a family on the road. It is sure to inspire you to get back out there and pass your love of the outdoors down to the next adventurous generation!
Where do we begin with this one?
Run Wild My Child was founded by husband and wife, Sarah and Ryan, who grew up in the country practicing skills and hobbies like fishing, canoeing, and camping. Not only are they seasoned vets in the outdoor world, they are both successful attorneys that have traveled the world together, diving deep into adventure. They are just two flat out cool people who happen to be geniuses too. They are quite a pair.
Although they have experienced things like diving with sharks (WOW!), climbing waterfalls and hiking active volcanos, they stand by their biggest adventure yet being parents to their three kids. And while they have worked tirelessly to create this wild life of theirs, they aren’t stopping any time soon. Our favorite part of their story is their involvement in outdoor schooling.
They truly and genuinely believe in the power of learning and playing in nature and the qualities that come with it like independence, creativity, and confidence. They have built an entire outdoor program for their little “wildings” as they call them, and are letting us all tag along virtually through their blog and Instagram. We could go on forever about how awesome this family is, but we think you may just want to see it for yourself.
Last and certainly not least, 1000 Hours Outside is your connection to all of the benefits you can find in the great outdoors. Ginny has embarked on a journey with her little crew to spend -you guessed it- one thousand hours outside. They track it down to every minute and even offer ways for you to do the same. In an effort to to see her children (and yours!) thrive academically, socially, emotionally, and physically, she is on a mission to step away from the screens and immerse her family in mother nature herself.
Author, Ginny, has a special and unique way with words that will surely inspire you to join her on her mission. She is a pioneer in the world of outdoor education for parent's and little ones alike and with such a large community, her Instagram is giveaway central! Follow along to laugh, learn, be inspired and maybe even win a thing or two!
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