Q+A: Getting to Know Tales of a Mountain Mama

Q+A: Getting to Know Tales of a Mountain Mama

We had the opportunity to chat with Amelia, the owner and main mama over at Tales of Mountain Mama. She runs a blog that shares all the goodness you could imagine about spending time with your family in the outdoors. Her and her team of fellow outdoor mamas are experts in the art of adventuring with kids in tow and they share all the do's and don'ts, and tips and tricks for outside fun! You MUST check them out!

When Amelia is not working on sharing her family adventures on the blog, she works hard raising a family full of outdoor enthusiasts in the making. She truly embraces the outdoors and teaches her kids (and us) that it IS possible to live a balanced, well-rounded life that includes taking full advantage of nature and the outdoors, while still taking care of business at school and work!

We asked her 10 questions to get to know her a little better...and here are her answers.

Q: How long have you been writing your blog?

A: It's been almost 10 years now!

Q: Why did you start the blog?

A: I started the public blog (I had been writing a private one for family for years) when my second child was just a couple months old. I was struggling big time to adjust to two kids and needed something just for me. Getting outside was my sanity and I realized what was going to give the most peace for my kids and our family. And so it began!

Q: Which Slackers product was the first you owned?

A: We got our first Slackers slackline over 6 years ago now!

Q: How old are your kids?

A: They are 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11

Q: How old were they when they first started using the slackline?

A: My boys were only 3 and 5 and they were really just learning how to balance. However, it was (and continues to be) a super fun and easy campsite activity.

Q: What are their favorite activities to do outside?

A: We love to ski (downhill, cross country and backcountry), camp, hike and bike!

Q: What do you love about the Slackers brand and products?

A: I just love that they challenge my kids in different ways than their normal activities usually do, that they are easy to set up and don't take up a ton of room and are so portable.

Q: What is your favorite thing about living in the mountains?

A: I have actually never NOT lived by mountains by choice. I think they ground me somehow. I love getting away from the stress of normal life and reconnecting in the great outdoors. And I love being able to get high enough to look down on my world!

Q: If there is one thing you would love for your readers to know about you and your family, what would it be?

A: What we do every day to get our family outside is nothing special. I think it's easy to say, "well they do it, but I couldn't possibly." It's all about priorities and where we put our efforts as a family. For our family, we know that despite how hard it can be, getting outside changes everything for us for the better. In case you're wondering, yes having five kids means our life is pretty chaotic. Our time outside together bonds us as a family and is where we can connect the best.

Q: What is your life motto?

A: Just say yes. Say yes to struggles, new things, challenges and embracing life fully! 

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