A Special Thanks From StairSlide

A Special Thanks From StairSlide

With the holidays coming up, we are doing our best to fulfill orders. We are overjoyed with the amount of support we’ve received from you. StairSlide sales have absolutely exceeded our expectations this year. Due to the amount of orders, we are grateful to have our factory in the US so that as the next shipments of inventory arrive, the process of packaging and shipping our product will continue seamlessly. 

All year round, but especially during the holidays, our employees work tirelessly to successfully produce high quality product for your pleasure. We are doing our best to keep up with the current demand, and we want to, once again, thank you for the support and love we've received from you. We wish you an amazing Christmas, and we're excited for you to see your kids or grandkids faces as they take that first peak at their very own StairSlide. 

With love, 



man making a StairSlide at US factory

man making StairSlide in US factory

man making a StairSlide in US factory

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