News + Awards
"When my girls were young, they would get into a sleeping bag and use it to speed down the stairs. It kept them busy for hours, but I always worried they'd hit something because they couldn't see where they were going."
"The StairSlide is simple enough to set up and take down that kids can do it themselves! Not to mention way safer. Long gone are the days of dodgy makeshift indoor slides. The Original StairSlide lets kids ages 3 to 13 get their wiggles out worry-free."
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“Perfect for kids & worry-free for parents! Each long-lasting, easy to assemble Stairslidesection covers 3 stair steps; as long as you have enough Stairslides you can coveralmost any staircase!"
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The crew at KTLA in Los Angeles spends time on camera playing with their StairSlide setup during their Summer Must Haves segment.
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On CW39's Houston Happens segment they included StairSlide as a great summertime fun product.
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