From Classrooms To Couches – Incorporating P.E While Homeschooling

While many parents and teachers have become familiar with the unique challenges brought on by distance learning, it is important for us to remember that this quick shift from classrooms to couches and kitchen tables has also been a difficult adjustment for younger kids.
Learning to communicate through a computer screen, more independent studying, and a lack of social interaction all bring on unnecessary levels of stress and anxiety for students.
What if there was a fun way around these road blocks that not only improved the quality of your children’s homeschool experience, but even help take some of the pressure off of parents and teachers? We have a few ideas to help you and your family, and they all center around two letters.. P.E.!
It’s hard making time for physical activity while navigating such a hectic time, but we cannot forget that Physical Education is a core part of our school system, and it plays a key role in the overall health and happiness of our children. This is why we strive every day to provide ways for families to stay active. Here’s a quick reminder of the impact those two letters can have on the kiddos..
- Studies show that physical activity improves our ability to concentrate and maintain focus.
Let’s face it, the kids are bored. More time at home means less time with friends, less time on the move, and therefore, less energy burned. This extra build up of energy can result in trouble focusing, getting work done and maybe even disruptive behavior. Did you know that after just one quick session of physical activity, there is an immediate increase in attention and memory?
Research shows that elementary students performed an average of 6% better on standardize tests when given physical activities to complete on a daily basis. So, next time your little one has the wiggles, maybe it’s time for a recess break at the backyard playground (and a breath of fresh air for you)!
- More movement leads to more confidence and more motivation!
Do you know that feeling of accomplishment when you overcome your biggest fear, or set a new high record, or finally solve that math problem that you got wrong so many times? That feeling that brings you back again and again to take your challenge to the next level? That feeling is motivation.
Motivation leads to the confidence it takes to try the next tough thing. A quick break from schoolwork to take a few runs on the Ninjaline just might give them that boost they need to solve that extra tough math problem.
Folks at Education and Behavior agree, and recommend activities such as:
- Climbing Trees.
- Monkey bar exercises.
- Bike Riding.
- Push ups.
- Hula hooping.
Physical activity relieves stress and anxiety
We all know that physical activity helps relieve stress. What is really important, is getting to the root of the stress. Where is it coming from and how do we stop it? During this time of “distance learning”, kids are really missing their friends. Time at school means time spent with friends which is so crucial to our social and emotional development. An absence of this can, understandably, take a toll on a child’s mood. So, how can we take this tough reality and turn it into something fun? Here is what we came up with:
- Create at home obstacle courses: Allow for creativity and imagination while the kids set up the most epic backyard adventure. Have the kids swap photos, ideas, and suggestions about how to stay active at home with their entire class.
- Virtual competitions: Have the kids create similar courses in each of their backyards, and see who can get the fastest time!
- Group discussion: Work with the teachers and parents to allow time for the students to discuss how they spent P.E that day. Sharing about wins, losses and creative strategies is half of the social experience and will be an enjoyable way for the students to transition back to the “classroom”.
Need ideas for backyard P.E? We got you covered! Our American Ninja Warrior brand is the perfect line of products to get your students outside and excited about staying active. Use the code PE@HOME for 15% off any of our products listed at on the American Ninja Warrior page.
Mix and match any of the products to create an epic outdoor gym! Here are some of our favorites:
- Works for:
- Cardio
- Competition
- Balance
- Agility
- Works for:
- Cardio
- Upper body strength conditioning
- Competition
- Coordination
- Works for:
- Cardio
- Competition
- Coordination
- Works for:
- Cardio
- Agility
- Speed
- Competition
- Works for:
- Upper body strength conditioning
- Coordination
- Works for:
- Cardio
- Balance
- Lower body strength conditioning
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