A Super Bowl Everyone Will Enjoy

A Super Bowl Everyone Will Enjoy

The Super Bowl is this Sunday. Whether it’s the game, the half-time show, or the commercials, there’s something for almost everyone. The keyword in that sentence is “almost.” The Super Bowl with all its parts is quite an affair. A very long affair. A football game on its own isn’t the most time-sensitive. Whenever there’s a play, the whole game is paused to see the action in slow-mo, reverse, from below, from above, through infrared, or maybe even what it would look like if it were old-timey Western (as pictured). 


You are happy to watch it, though! It’s fun and can get very exciting, but it’s probably a little too long for kids to sit still. To make sure you both enjoy game day, we’ve compiled a list of different activities to occupy their attention and allow you to sit back and relax.

  1. Coloring

    The coloring pages are located at the bottom of the post. Of course, I included the teams’ mascots and helmets, but there’s also a blank jersey and helmet so they can design their own!

  2. Lego Challenges

    If you have little kids, odds are, you have legos. The game is the perfect time to break them out (just make sure to not walk around barefoot in the lego-danger zone)! To get the kids really engaged while you’re sitting back enjoying your Sunday, give them little football-themed challenges of what to build.
    1. The year’s roman numerals (LVI)
    2. The Superbowl trophy (or what they think the trophy should look like)
    3. Build a lego football stadium (depending on how much detail they want to include, this might take the whole game)
    4. Goalposts (if they choose this activity, hold on to it for the next activity)

  1. Paper Football 

    The lego goalpost is a fun addition to this game, but the goalposts can easily be replicated with your hands. This video is an excellent explainer of the rules and how to make the paper football.

  2. Balloon Volleyball

    Let’s bring another sport into the mix–Volleyball! Well, it’s volleyball in the loosest of terms. Essentially, it’s “don’t let the balloon touch the ground!” I can personally attest that this game is addicting. We even play it in the office sometimes! I recommend setting up some obstacles (and hiding the breakables).

  3. Bingo

    Printable bingo cards are linked at the bottom of the post. You might have to point/yell out when a particular action happens in some of the squares. There’s some football terminology that I don’t even know (but that is a pretty low bar). 

  4. Sunday Sundaes

    This is great for the half-time show! Unless your kids are big fans of early 2000s hip-hop and rap, they won’t have much interest in this year. However, I would be willing to bet they are big fans of frozen treats and have much interest in...ICE CREAM! You can simply put out ice cream, but how else could you utilize the solid word-play of Sunday Sundaes? 

  5. The Stairslide

    It would be silly to omit the Stairslide from your list. It provides HOURS of fun! Plus, it gives your kids an outlet for all their physical energy. While you’re sitting and watching the game (no judgment. I’m sitting and watching Netflix as I type this), they’re getting in some fitness without even realizing it. 

Click Here for Bingo Cards

Coloring Pages



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